Our Mission
The purpose of the Island Association is to help in the preservation and enhancement of Madeline Island for its residents, both permanent and seasonal, as well as its visitors. The Island Association will accomplish this by directing financial and other resources to projects which are cultural, educational, celebratory, and health-and safety-oriented in nature. It is also a vehicle through which members can provide input that has tangible effects on the Island, and whereby anyone can donate resources to projects sponsored by the Association.
Why become a member?
Our operations are made possible by annual memberships, fundraisers and additional contributions to our general and designated funds. This income enables us to provide grants for local non-profits and civic groups that help us accomplish our mission. Our designated funds provide scholarships for Island High School graduates, training support for E.M.T.s and funding for the P.S.A./La Pointe Elementary School.
Board of Directors 2023
Katie Sanders, President
Lizzie Brown, Vice President
Drew Eldred
Jennifer Herriott
Linda Jerlow
Carol Olsen
Candy Sterling
Mary Ross, Administrative Assistant
Meetings & Events
In the past the Island Association has hosted a variety of events and fundraisers. Due to the challenges of the past few years, the committee is presently re-evaluating how best to partner with the community and provide an event that brings us all together!
Watch this space for more details on what we are up to in 2023!